Platform plugin "windows" | Qt Forum.Download Qt | Develop Desktop & Embedded Systems | Qt

Platform plugin "windows" | Qt Forum.Download Qt | Develop Desktop & Embedded Systems | Qt

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"It could not find or load the qt platform plugin "Windows" | Qt Forum 



- Free qt platform plugin windows Download - qt platform plugin windows for Windows


SantaClade I have no idea then. No idea how those symbols should come or what it is. So in such cases, i would normally try to create a new user profile and login into to it and then try to install in there to see if that works. Does not change a thing in the end as I tried to install origin with a new user profile and there was the same messages again So no difference to my "Old" Profile.

SantaClade Hi and welcome back Then there must be something else installed on your windows that uses Qt and conflicts with Origin. But seems not to find teh actual reason.

Qt Forum. Only users with topic management privileges can see it. Few weeks ago I got an error message when opening Origin saying "this application failed to start because it could not find or load the qt platform plugin "windows" in "" reinstalling the application may fix the problem" I don't know how to progress with this error and I hope that someone can help me Yes No.

Sorry this didn't help. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. Hello, I download an app of R programming language and at the time of opening this poster appears: "This aplication failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "Windows" reinstalling the application may fix the problem" I try reinstall the app but the advice appears, what should i do?

Buy Qt Get the full Qt experience with a licensing plan designed to support your business goals plus access to the official Qt Support Helpdesk and a close strategic relationship with The Qt Company. Try Qt New to Qt and want to try before you buy? Existing customers Got Qt already and want to upgrade your license or try out the latest Qt 6 release? After that, you can reinstall the app and check if the error disappears.

Some users reported that the error can be fixed by downloading the update. Click here to download the OneDriveSetup. If this scenario applies to you, you can try performing a system restore or uninstalling these updates manually. Click on Uninstall updates , and then right-click the most recent update and select Uninstall.

Then repeat the same procedure to uninstall other Windows updates. What is Classic Shell? Now, get the answers from this post. Ariel is an enthusiastic IT columnist focusing on partition management, data recovery, and Windows issues. She has helped users fix various problems like PS4 corrupted disk, unexpected store exception error, the green screen of death error, etc.

QT Lite is a trimmed down version of QuickTime that contains only the essential components needed for playing QuickTime content that is embedded in web pages. More Windows Live Essentials Windows Live Essentials previously Windows Live Installer is a suite of freeware applications by Microsoft which aims to offer integrated and bundled e-mail, instant messaging, photo-sharing, blog publishing, security services and other … more info More Qt 4.

Qt is a comprehensive, object-oriented development framework that enables development of high-performance, cross-platform rich-client and server-side applications.

More TAP-Windows 9. Descriptions containing qt platform plugin windows. More Microsoft Update Health Tools 3. Check your computer to make sure it is working properly and is compatible with the upcoming Microsoft Windows


QT platform plugin "windows" - Microsoft Community

  QT platform plugin "windows". Hello, I download an app of R (programming language) and at the time of opening this poster appears. › download-qt-platform-plugin-windows-in.    


Qt platform plugin windows download free.Open Source Qt Use

    Now, get the приведу ссылку from this post. Hello, I download an app of R programming language and at the time of opening this qt platform plugin windows download free appears: "This aplication failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "Windows" reinstalling pl/1 compiler for windows free download free application may fix the problem" I try reinstall the app but the advice appears, what should i do? Kindly confirm the following: Were there any recent changes made to your computer prior to the issue? Few weeks qt platform plugin windows download free I got an error message when opening Origin saying "this application failed здесь start because it could not find or load the qt /383.txt plugin "windows" in "" reinstalling the application may fix the problem" I don't know how to progress with this error and I hope that someone can help me More Microsoft Silverlight 5. Reply Quote 3 1 Reply Last reply.


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